- Oasis PR enables ad tech, e-commerce, mobile, security, games, and other technology companies to write a story that is uniquely their own, and then tell that story to their targeted audiences – prospective clients, partners, investors, and other influencers – to generate press coverage which drives business.
- What Oasis PR does
Oasis PR is a full-service Public Relations agency that generates press coverage in the relevant media to drive leads. By working closely with clients to define objectives and messaging, Oasis PR delivers results that help to establish and grow your business.
Uriah Av-Ron, Founder, Oasis PR, brings over two decades of experience in advertising, marketing and public relations.
Messaging & StrategyWith increasing market competition, OasisPR helps you define messaging pointswhich will be uniquely your own and serveas the basis for telling your story.
From conducting a competitive analysis of the media landscape to uncover the most relevant journalists and bloggers to defining your plan of action, Oasis PR makes sure that your tactical PR program is grounded in a sound strategy.Content CreationOasis PR develops compelling narratives through which to tell your story, from press releases and case studies to bylined commentaries and speaking engagements.Media RelationsReaching out to the most relevant reporters, bloggers and analysts with a unique angle based on their coverage / interests, Oasis PR secures press coverage in leading publications that tells your story and drives business forward. - Why Oasis PR
"If you build it, 'they' will come." — Field of Dreams
Unfortunately, even if you have the best technology, the best app or the best solution, they don’t necessarily come.
For them—prospective customers, strategic partners and investors—to come, you need a catalyst to drive them to visit your website, send you an email or make a sales call. Oasis Public Relations helps you tell your story to generate effective press coverage that drives prospects to you.
Everybody is the leading !@#$ provider of something. But who cares? Your customers don’t. They have a problem and are looking for someone to solve it. What are the customer pains that your technology solves? That’s where your public relations should begin. That's the story you need to tell.
Oasis PR writes customer-centric narratives which enable you to most effectively tell your story.
To find the most relevant media outlets for your story, Oasis PR conducts extensive competitive analysis of the media landscape in order to uncover the influencers—journalists, bloggers, and industry opinion leaders. These influencers are then contacted with tailored pitches which generate press coverage to drive your business forward.
Client Press Coverage
The world's going mobile, but is marketing keeping pace?Android Game Apps Are Becoming As Profitable As Those On The iPhoneOlder Americans Love New Tech But Hate to Admit it (STUDY)MoMinis takes on $4.5M more to expand its Android app portal- When can we meet?To arrange a meeting, please email:OR call:(646) 755-6120 (US)+972-50-7-427-087 (Int'l)
- ÖffentlichkeitsarbeitOasis PR ist eine PR-Agentur ins Leben gerufen, um internationalen Unternehmen im Technologie-, Mobil-, Spiel- und E-Commerce Bereich, sichere Pressedeckung in den USA und in den internationalen Medien zu ermöglichen. Die Agentur weist eine hohe Erfahrung darin auf, Unternehmen, welche außerhalb der USA lokalisiert sind, eine intensive Pressedeckung mit relevanten Reportern bereitzustellen, was wiederum den Kunden ermöglicht, ihre Themenstellungen an relevante Zielgruppen heranzubringen.Oasis PR arbeitet in europäischen Zeitzonen, und bietet daher seine Serviceleistungen für deutsche Unternehmen, zu lokalen Arbeitszeiten an.Oasis PR bietet Medien-Beziehungen sowie Medien-Training an, um die Qualität und Quantität der Presseabdeckung zu verbessern. Von The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal bis hin zu Advertising Age, Adweek, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Internet Retailer und vielen mehr, Oasis PR ermöglicht Kunden sichere Presseabdeckung in den relevanten Medien, mit dem Ziel geschäftliche Beziehungen zu etablieren.Um Oasis PR Presseabdeckungen kennenzulernen, bitte clicken sie hier.Um Oasis PR zu kontaktieren, bitte clicken sie hier.
Uriah Av-Ron | Copyright 2025